

Book your table and get ready to enjoy it

Dear friends and customers of Bombardino Benasque:

You must take into account when making your reservation:


It is important that you respect the number of people offered by the application at the time of booking. This is due to the size of the tables and the organization of the capacity of the room. In case the program does not offer the capacity you need for the day of your booking, it is best to contact reservas@bombardinobenasque.com, otherwise we may penalize or cancel your booking.

For bookings of more than 10 people, please contact us at: reservas@bombardinobenasque.com or stop by the venue and talk to us. We do not have a telephone number.


Whenever you make a reservation, you must receive a confirmation email, otherwise, some part of the process has not been completed and the reservation is not firm.

Request for reservation

Select the date indicated and make your table reservation from the web, in a quick and easy way. The bar counters are available WITHOUT RESERVATION. So if you come to the venue and there is room you can eat at the bar.

(Select number of guests to see availability)

    Responsable del fichero: Bombardino;
    Finalidad: envío de información sobre productos y servicios propios al suscrito;
    Legitimación: Consentimiento;
    Destinatarios: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros;
    Derechos: Acceder, rectificar y suprimir los datos, así como otros derechos, como se explica en la información adicional. Más información en nuestra Privacy Policy.

    Dear customer, in order to improve our service, we have adopted a new booking system with credit card verification. Thanks to this change we hope to avoid No Show in the restaurant, leaving other people without the opportunity to be able to come to our restaurant. WE DO NOT HAVE A TELEPHONE NUMBER. Booking Conditions In order to make a reservation you must accept these conditions and the cancellation policy. At the time of booking, in order to guarantee your reservation, we will ask for your credit/debit card details. It is also advisable to let us know if there are any children among the diners, as well as any allergies, intolerances, preferences, etc. Your table will NOT be confirmed until you receive the e-mail stating so.   Requests made in the comments field cannot be guaranteed until the day of your reservation, so requests for tables, etc… will be subject to the organization of the room for that service. Booking cancellation policy The conditions for cancellation of reservations are as follows: There will be no cost for the client, as long as the cancellation is made 6 hours before the reservation is made, through the link that appears in the booking confirmation email, or by email to the email reservas@bombardinobenasque.com. Otherwise we reserve the right to charge 15€ per guest, through the credit card you have provided. If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail: reservas@bombardinobenasque.com